Friday, May 11, 2012

What will we look like?

So one thing that has been rolling around in my brain is,
"What is our generation going to look like when we are in our 60s/70s/80s"

I feel like we are going to be the craziest looking old people ever.
With all of the piercings, gauges, and super crazy tattoos.

I wonder what our grandchildren will think of us. Because yeah it's really awesome right now but when we're 80 we're gonna look a little crazy or will the generations become worst than us? Will we be as 'old fashioned' as we think our grandparents are and if so how disturbing is that thought.

also think about how our slow journey to killing ourselves will get us to... you probably got a little freaked out by that statement but really smoking, excessive alcohol and all the access to hard drugs that we have is just a slower process of ending our lives and if it doesn't at what is considered a young age think of how it will age us or think of the massive health issues

so just a thought.
maybe more than just 'a' thought.

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